Grilling Quick Tip: How To Tell the Temperature of Your Fire

Oh, good. I was hoping you would stop by today.

I wanted to share this tip with you.

Grill Temperature

Hold your hand about 5″ above the cooking surface. Count how many seconds you can hold it there comfortably.

1 to 2 seconds = high flame or hot

4 to 5 seconds = medium flame or medium heat

8 to 10 seconds = low flame or low heat

Now, who brought the Teriyaki Beef Kabobs?

Visit “Neighborly Advice” weekend magazine full of beginner “how-to” articles”

Neighborly Advice Vol. 1 pizza dough, making jam, using a pressure cooker, learning to knit, rescuing lost stitches, adding goats to your backyard

Neighborly Advice Vol. 2kool-aid dye, spinning wool, kids’ activities, natural egg dyes, keeping chickens, line drying clothes, making applesauce, finding your sanity, pickling eggs, frugal groceries, growing peas, tomatoes and even worms

Neighborly Advice Vol 3. –grocery budgets, foraging free food, starting a garden, seed tape, hemming pants, chickens, turkeys, fruit trees, goat cheese, fermentation, kid’s activities and my favorite nation wide book sale